Saturday, March 13, 2010


from my understanding, e-learning is a way of learning by using internet. In other word, e-Learning is the use of technology to enable people to learn anytime and anywhere. e-Learning can include training, the delivery of just-in-time information and guidance from experts. to understand perfectly about e-learning we need to learn the meaning of asynchronous and synchronous.
here some features of asynchronous and synchronous :-

asynchronous-->The obvious advantage of a self-paced course is convenience. People can get the training they need at any time. This can include just-in-time training where a person gets exactly the training he or she needs to perform a task. Self-paced courses are created with e-learning authoring tools
synchronous-->.A virtual classroom duplicates the capabilities found in a real classroom

this two terms we need to go through first before we go to the next topic. so, its important for me if i want to master this subject.

good luck to myself!! *wink

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